*This is not an offer of real estate for sale, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal requirements have
not been fulfilled. Pricing does not include options, elevation, or lot premiums, effective date of publication and subject to change without notice. All square footages
and measurements are approximate and subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Equal Housing Opportunity.
*Offer valid on eligible homes sold from 1/17/23-4/30/23. This is not an offer of real estate for sale, or a solicitation of an offer to buy to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. Pavment of commissions dependent on broker. buver. and seller entering into seller's written commission agreement. Builder assumes no responsibilitv between Broker and Realtor for the distribution of the BTSA. The BTSA will be paid at closing and is documents in the Buyer's Closing Disclosure. Additional terms and restrictions apply. See a community sales counselor for more details This proaram is subiect to change or mav be canceled at an time without prior notice **Available on sales of new homes from 1/17/23-4/30/23 Incentive conditioned uno buver using Shea Mortaage™ as its lender Buvers of Shea Homes are not reguired to use Shea Mortaade as their lender. are free to use an lender of their choosing for the purpose of securing mortgage financing. are not limited to Shea Mortgage and are free to decline any incentives tied to the use of Shea Mortgage. SML Mortgage Banker Registration - MLS - 40397. ricing does not include options, elevation, or lot premiums. effective date of publication and subiect to chanae without notice. All sauare footages and measurements are approximate and subiect to chanae without notice. Trademarks are propertv of their sarasonsur respective owners. Equal Housing Opportunity